Q. What metal do you use?
A. I use aluminum and anodized aluminum (treated to create colors and bright silver).
Q. Why use aluminum?
A. Aluminum has a very affordable price point, so my savings on purchasing aluminum jump rings are passed on to the customer. While, I do not usually keep a supply of other metals on hand, I will order if requested. Due to the increase cost of using other metals, using other metals will increase the cost the piece. Aluminum is also light weight and pieces such as earrings, even large pieces, can be worn for longer periods of time. I also use aluminum because it is easier to work .I have rheumatoid arthritis and the joint pain and deformities that come with it. Working with aluminum allows me to work longer and create more.
Q. Do you take commissions?
A. Yes, depending on the project. There are techniques I am not skilled at or haven't tried, so while I may not take a commission on those items, I may be able to recommend another mailler to fulfill the order. If a commission is accepted by me, a non-refundable 50% of the completed cost may be required. This will be applied to the purchase of materials from my suppliers. The balance of the price will be due when the project is completed and prior to shipping the item. NOTE: If a commission is referred to another mailler, you will deal with that person directly and make arrangements according to their commission terms.
Q. Will your chain maille turn my skin green?
A. Since I work mostly in aluminum and anodized aluminum, chances are very high that you will not have a reaction to my chain maille. With that said, everyone's body chemistry varies. Oils, perspiration and plain old time may cause a piece to darken or "grey" slightly and that patina may transfer to your skin, however, it is easily washed away.
Q. How do I care for my chain maille?
A. First, chlorinated pools or sea water are not recommended and should be avoided when wearing chain maille, no matter what metal it is created with. Avoid wearing your jewelry around cleaning products. If a piece looks dirty, add a few drops of dish soap such as Dawn onto your hands and rub between your palms under warm, running water. Rinse well, and shake away excess water. Rub gently with a soft cloth and allow to dry completely. When storing, I store with a silica pack...you know...those little packs that come with shoes, medication, etc .that say do not eat. They are designed to absorb moisture so help prevent oxidation which causes discoloration and tarnish..